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Teenage Issues 


Between school, friends, family, hormones, peer pressure, depression and anxiety, and the list goes on.


In 2015 about 3 million teens ages 12-17 had at least one major depressive episode in the past year according to the Department of Health and Human Services.


Signs of overwhelm from stress and anxiety include insomnia, change in eating habits, anger, lashing out, loss of interest in things you used to enjoy are a few.

Be You

Fitting In

Our children do risky behavior when trying to fit in. 

Giving in to peer pressure, sexting, participating in bullying behavior are some ways children resort to wanting to fit in with their peers. 


Having hobbies you love and enjoy, being around like minded friends and aligning yourself with those who have similar life values are keys to fitting in. 


We all have unique beautiful qualities. Finding and discovering those unique qualities about ourselves is another key. Ask yourself, how will I make my mark on the world, and it leave it a better place?

Harassment and Bullying

Cyber, sexual, physical, verbal harassment and bullying

One in five students reported being bullied in 2019. (National Center for Educational Statistics). Bullying in schools does not need to be seen as "kids being kids" 


Bullying is a prevalent form of violence where there is a power imbalance. 


Most school aged children are exposed to bullying in one form another. Wether being a victim, a witness or being the bully. 


Do your children have a plan of what to do, or how to deal when they encounter a bully?



The 10th leading cause of death

There is help out there!


Suicide hotline #800-273-8255


You may have known someone who attempted suicide, but the one question always asked is WHY? 


Although there is no easy answer to this question, some common factors may include making a simple mistake and not having the coping skills to deal with the mistake, depression, and being impulsive. Children don't want to end their lives, they want to end the pain they feel.


Suicide can happen in any family. Having mental health check ins on a daily basis, and sharing highs and lows of the day with your children can help open dialogue to how your children are feeling. Encourage talking about and encouraging a wide range of emotions.  

School Violence

School safety is a right all students have and to be free from violence & the fear of violence.

Fighting, sexual violence (yes boys can be victims too), bullying in school, school shootings, sexting, sextortion and the fear of these, can be mental havoc for a student. 


School violence can be prevented, but school staff and law enforcement depend on students to be the eyes and ears for prevention.


Prevention efforts by schools, parents, communities and students work!

Man at his Desk

Living Up To Others Expectations

Expectations hold you back!

We all make mistakes.  Forgive yourself and move on! Get off of social media. You are perfect as you are. Social media projects that everyone has a perfect life, a perfect body and needs to be happy all the time. There is nothing farther from the truth.


Studies show, the longer people are on social media, the more depressed they become.


Sexual Assault and Abduction

These are top two fears of 8th graders relayed when surveyed by The Safety Class.

The chance of someone jumping out of the bushes and attacking and sexually assaulting one, is very small, although that is what our teens fear. 


The truth is our child is more likely to be victimized by someone they know rather than someone they do not know. 


The Safety Class teaches students how to identify, avoid and defend against sexual assault and abduction by both, someone your child knows AND someone they do not know. 

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